FullStack@MediaTek - All Projects | DHRUVSHANBHAG


Joined my first corporate school internship as a full-stack developer at MediaTek. This role gave me an opportunity to join their CAD team and work on their Chip Dashboard system. The platform, built on Drupal and MySQL tracked all of the chip designs, IPs, rules, verification and othe related documentation and functioned as a singular resource for effective cross-team collaboration. In this role I worked directly with Drupal, and built custom features on the site with JavaScript, PHP, SQL and Python. I also automated data collection from MySQL using shell scripts and cron jobs and revamped their Rules Verification system with new functionality and UI/UX for improved operational efficiency.

FeaturedByBinance - All Projects | DHRUVSHANBHAG

Featured By Binance

With the support of the senior team, I was excited to help introduce a decentralised NFT Marketplace by Binance. I performed website break testing on our exclusive NFT campaigns. Additionally,using Python and BSCScan API's I evaluated sample wallet distributions to identify characteristics for potential buyers.



Built a React based Web Dashboard for real time Intelligent Person Tracking System.
Utilising a PostgreSQL database and via plenty of experimentation, our team of two were able to satisy client proof of concept requirements.

Flourishing - All Projects | DHRUVSHANBHAG

Project Flourish

The story behind Flourish was how we could use a person's emotional levels and map it to reflect environmental changes for an positive uplift. With the support of my team, I was able to stream, EEG data from our MUSE headset and perform exploratory analysis for applying intention based state changes.

KSFBeauty - All Projects | DHRUVSHANBHAG

Gamma-Y x KSFBeauty

Co-founded Gamma-Y, a Digital Marketing Agency, with a group of close friends in order to provided personalised Digital services. Our very first client was KSFBeauty for whom we perfomed custom Wix site integrations and extensive Google Ads campaigns, improving site leads by 500% over 4 months.
We let it rain in short.

Predicting Obesity - All Projects | DHRUVSHANBHAG

Predicting Obesity

Worked in a team of 3 in completing a Data Science project using Python, in NTU, in order to predict the leading factors causing obesity in the world.